




Nearly three years after the most recent reform of the Federal Labor Law and also thirty years after the founding of the law firm, Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., we take this opportunity to testify that Training is the ideal legal concept for generating growth and, ultimately, wealth in any workplace.

As we recall, on November 30, 2012 it was published, with great expectations, the new Federal Labor Law, promising to create jobs and growth in the economy of the country. We know that this was simple marketing and advertising of the same reform as no law per se generates a culture of legality and compliance, this implies an awareness, not only of compliance with the same but of the benefits it brings, this is called labor culture. If higher wages and better working conditions are offered, these are not going to be achieved with good wishes, with union gains and/or generous acts of the employer, this is caused by having better workers, more skilled, more knowledgeable, more talent and available to the other, that is toy say, useful workers, this is what will give them value.

If we have trained, useful and valuable workers, consequently there shall be better wages and better working conditions. Therefore, the issue to overcome will not be the stability of the worker but the competition, prevent that the useful worker, for its high level of training, go to work for another.



Consequently, the essence of the Labor Reform is in the Training for obtaining a decent work. This, as already mentioned, is not achieved by simple decree of the law, but by the actions of all protagonists to promote this culture of training which, we insist, cannot be seen as a cost but as the best investment. Unfortunately, under the current legal context, protector of the working class, this has been seen as an obligation of the employer and not also as an obligation of the worker, although the law states that it is of both, under the absence of any penalty for the worker that does not meet its obligation of training or an incentive to the one that do so, while the employer that does not provide training will be punished with fines. This completely undermines the concept of training, because since the employer bets on training the worker, the latter should also wish and strive to do so, it is a win – win formula.

That is why in Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., we focus on training. The firm was founded 30 years ago by José Antonio Diez de Bonilla Altamirano and Alfredo Kuri Monterrubio, lawyers trained and instructed in this noble profession, by José J. Altamirano (RIP), who was trained and instructed by Antero Roel (RIP) and so on, that is toy say, that there was always someone who had the time and dedication to teach and someone with the desire to learn. This instruction was not only a generous act, which is appreciated, but also with an interest to have greater capacity for work and better professional response, making these legal businesses grow. This is also the case of the firm Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., which has not been a single receiver, but now as instructor and trainer, which has led lawyers who conform the firm to also be part of the Academy, supporting a theory applied where, with the daily experience acquired in the Courts, the principles of our firm, in which we firmly believe for the practice of law, are transmitted. Principles that we enforce in the Courts and then we take them to formal Academy, where for more than 25 years we have lectured at various institutes such as Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, Escuela Libre de Derecho, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Universidad del Mayab de Mérida, Yucatán, Instituto Estatal de Educación Pública de Oaxaca, Universidad Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, etc. We also consider important to mention that we participated in the founding of the Business Law Master at Universidad Anáhuac del Norte and in which Labor Law is given as a fundamental subject, the company lawyer raises awareness about the importance of human capital in order for itself to transcend and thus the company. This, likewise, has led several militants of our firm to study in these academic institutions. Now, not only the Academy has been the forum for teaching of this Law Firm, also in the office itself we count with associate lawyers, as Raymundo Calva Merino, Noemi Weil Borg, Luis Diez de Bonilla Martínez, Roxana Ruz Carrillo and Jorge Rodero Ponce de León, who implement periodic training courses and that on a daily basis care to instruct other lawyers and law clerks for their growth and the law firm’s growth.

All this leads to that today we do not only feel proud of our thirty years as a passionate firm and protagonist in Labor Law, but also as former of lawyers who today hold important positions in the public sector, private companies or various law firms, practicing in the area of labor law with the love and principles transmitted by this firm, awakening consciences to understand that although labor law is a recovery right, this refers to the human dignity of workers.

Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. culture is aimed to consider work as the activity due to the nature of man, the man was made to work. It is not a sordid or nefarious activity that is imposed to do so, is not an obstacle or a hindrance, not a sentence, is the only way to be consistent with human nature, have to serve another, we call this work and the more one is useful to the other, the greater the response in every way to the delivery and disposal. In Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. we firmly believe that Labor Law protects such activity of serving others, no the persons as an end, but that the activity called work is decent.

Given the course set by the new Federal Labor Law under a new goal: the dignity of work, with all that this implies, then we must invest in training and generate the desired work culture to which the firm Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. is added to achieve.




Nearly three years after the most recent reform of the Federal Labor Law and also thirty years after the founding of the law firm, Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., we take this opportunity to testify that Training is the ideal legal concept for generating growth and, ultimately, wealth in any workplace.

As we recall, on November 30, 2012 it was published, with great expectations, the new Federal Labor Law, promising to create jobs and growth in the economy of the country. We know that this was simple marketing and advertising of the same reform as no law per se generates a culture of legality and compliance, this implies an awareness, not only of compliance with the same but of the benefits it brings, this is called labor culture. If higher wages and better working conditions are offered, these are not going to be achieved with good wishes, with union gains and/or generous acts of the employer, this is caused by having better workers, more skilled, more knowledgeable, more talent and available to the other, that is toy say, useful workers, this is what will give them value.

If we have trained, useful and valuable workers, consequently there shall be better wages and better working conditions. Therefore, the issue to overcome will not be the stability of the worker but the competition, prevent that the useful worker, for its high level of training, go to work for another.



Consequently, the essence of the Labor Reform is in the Training for obtaining a decent work. This, as already mentioned, is not achieved by simple decree of the law, but by the actions of all protagonists to promote this culture of training which, we insist, cannot be seen as a cost but as the best investment. Unfortunately, under the current legal context, protector of the working class, this has been seen as an obligation of the employer and not also as an obligation of the worker, although the law states that it is of both, under the absence of any penalty for the worker that does not meet its obligation of training or an incentive to the one that do so, while the employer that does not provide training will be punished with fines. This completely undermines the concept of training, because since the employer bets on training the worker, the latter should also wish and strive to do so, it is a win – win formula.

That is why in Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., we focus on training. The firm was founded 30 years ago by José Antonio Diez de Bonilla Altamirano and Alfredo Kuri Monterrubio, lawyers trained and instructed in this noble profession, by José J. Altamirano (RIP), who was trained and instructed by Antero Roel (RIP) and so on, that is toy say, that there was always someone who had the time and dedication to teach and someone with the desire to learn. This instruction was not only a generous act, which is appreciated, but also with an interest to have greater capacity for work and better professional response, making these legal businesses grow. This is also the case of the firm Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C., which has not been a single receiver, but now as instructor and trainer, which has led lawyers who conform the firm to also be part of the Academy, supporting a theory applied where, with the daily experience acquired in the Courts, the principles of our firm, in which we firmly believe for the practice of law, are transmitted. Principles that we enforce in the Courts and then we take them to formal Academy, where for more than 25 years we have lectured at various institutes such as Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, Escuela Libre de Derecho, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Universidad del Mayab de Mérida, Yucatán, Instituto Estatal de Educación Pública de Oaxaca, Universidad Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, etc. We also consider important to mention that we participated in the founding of the Business Law Master at Universidad Anáhuac del Norte and in which Labor Law is given as a fundamental subject, the company lawyer raises awareness about the importance of human capital in order for itself to transcend and thus the company. This, likewise, has led several militants of our firm to study in these academic institutions. Now, not only the Academy has been the forum for teaching of this Law Firm, also in the office itself we count with associate lawyers, as Raymundo Calva Merino, Noemi Weil Borg, Luis Diez de Bonilla Martínez, Roxana Ruz Carrillo and Jorge Rodero Ponce de León, who implement periodic training courses and that on a daily basis care to instruct other lawyers and law clerks for their growth and the law firm’s growth.

All this leads to that today we do not only feel proud of our thirty years as a passionate firm and protagonist in Labor Law, but also as former of lawyers who today hold important positions in the public sector, private companies or various law firms, practicing in the area of labor law with the love and principles transmitted by this firm, awakening consciences to understand that although labor law is a recovery right, this refers to the human dignity of workers.

Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. culture is aimed to consider work as the activity due to the nature of man, the man was made to work. It is not a sordid or nefarious activity that is imposed to do so, is not an obstacle or a hindrance, not a sentence, is the only way to be consistent with human nature, have to serve another, we call this work and the more one is useful to the other, the greater the response in every way to the delivery and disposal. In Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. we firmly believe that Labor Law protects such activity of serving others, no the persons as an end, but that the activity called work is decent.

Given the course set by the new Federal Labor Law under a new goal: the dignity of work, with all that this implies, then we must invest in training and generate the desired work culture to which the firm Diez de Bonilla, Kuri y Asociados, S.C. is added to achieve.