Diez de Bonilla Kuri y Asociados

Minimum Wage 2025
We would like to inform you that, starting in 2025, by agreement of CONASAMI, the general minimum wage will be $278.80 MXN, representing a 12% increase, which includes a 6.5% adjustment and an additional $12.85 MXN through the Independent Recovery Amount (MIR).
Additionally, for the Northern Border Free Zone, the minimum wage will be $419.88 MXN, reflecting a 6.5% adjustment and an additional $19.36 MXN through the MIR.
We remain at your service.

Minimum Wage 2025
Diez de Bonilla Kuri y Asociados
We would like to inform you that, starting in 2025, by agreement of CONASAMI, the general minimum wage will be $278.80 MXN, representing a 12% increase, which includes a 6.5% adjustment and an additional $12.85 MXN through the Independent Recovery Amount (MIR).
Additionally, for the Northern Border Free Zone, the minimum wage will be $419.88 MXN, reflecting a 6.5% adjustment and an additional $19.36 MXN through the MIR.
We remain at your service.