Diez de Bonilla Kuri y Asociados

Chair Law
Today, the “Chair Law” has been published in the Official Gazette, amending certain articles of the Federal Labor Law to establish the following obligations:
• Workplaces in the service, commerce, and similar sectors must provide a sufficient number of chairs or seats with backrests for all workers to use while performing their duties or to rest periodically during the workday. Industrial establishments must adhere to the same obligation when the nature of the work allows it.
• Employers are prohibited from requiring workers to remain standing for the entirety of their workday.
• The Internal Workplace Regulations must include rules governing the use of chairs or seats, allowing workers to use them periodically during their workday.
It should be noted that these provisions will come into effect 180 calendar days from today, the date of their publication.

Chair Law
Diez de Bonilla Kuri y Asociados
Today, the “Chair Law” has been published in the Official Gazette, amending certain articles of the Federal Labor Law to establish the following obligations:
• Workplaces in the service, commerce, and similar sectors must provide a sufficient number of chairs or seats with backrests for all workers to use while performing their duties or to rest periodically during the workday. Industrial establishments must adhere to the same obligation when the nature of the work allows it.
• Employers are prohibited from requiring workers to remain standing for the entirety of their workday.
• The Internal Workplace Regulations must include rules governing the use of chairs or seats, allowing workers to use them periodically during their workday.
It should be noted that these provisions will come into effect 180 calendar days from today, the date of their publication.