
Minimum Wage 2023
As of January 1st, 2023, an increase of 20% in the general and professional minimum wages of both salary areas of the country will take place.
As you already know, the current minimum wage is $207.44, which by 2024 will increase to $248.93, while for the North Border Free Zone the current minimum wage of $312.41 will increase to $374.89 from of the first of January of the next year.
Now, the increase of the minimum wage is determined with the following elements: the minimum wage in force for 2023, plus the sum of an Independent Recovery Amount (MIR by its acronym in Spanish) of 41.26 pesos for the northern border area and 27.40 pesos for the rest of the country, and an increase by fixing of 6%.
We are at your service for any questions or queries in this regard.

Minimum Wage 2023
As of January 1st, 2023, an increase of 20% in the general and professional minimum wages of both salary areas of the country will take place.
As you already know, the current minimum wage is $207.44, which by 2024 will increase to $248.93, while for the North Border Free Zone the current minimum wage of $312.41 will increase to $374.89 from of the first of January of the next year.
Now, the increase of the minimum wage is determined with the following elements: the minimum wage in force for 2023, plus the sum of an Independent Recovery Amount (MIR by its acronym in Spanish) of 41.26 pesos for the northern border area and 27.40 pesos for the rest of the country, and an increase by fixing of 6%.
We are at your service for any questions or queries in this regard.