
The National Commission of Minimum Wages (by its acronym in Spanish CONASAMI) agreed to increase the general minimum wage throughout the country by 15% in the following manner: for the North Border Free Zone (NBFZ) by $15.75 in the Independent Recovery Amount (IRA) and 6% to the salary and for the rest of the country by $10.46 in IRA and 6% to the general minimum wage, as well as to increase the minimum professional salaries. Therefore, starting January 1, 2021, the new general minimum wage will be $141.70 for the rest of the country and $213.39 for the NBFZ.
We remind you that the IRA only aims to recover the purchasing power of the salary, so this should not be the reference basis for contractual salary reviews, but may be 6% the basis, with the freedom to agree to increase or decrease this percentage and according to the economic capacity of the company.

The National Commission of Minimum Wages (by its acronym in Spanish CONASAMI) agreed to increase the general minimum wage throughout the country by 15% in the following manner: for the North Border Free Zone (NBFZ) by $15.75 in the Independent Recovery Amount (IRA) and 6% to the salary and for the rest of the country by $10.46 in IRA and 6% to the general minimum wage, as well as to increase the minimum professional salaries. Therefore, starting January 1, 2021, the new general minimum wage will be $141.70 for the rest of the country and $213.39 for the NBFZ.
We remind you that the IRA only aims to recover the purchasing power of the salary, so this should not be the reference basis for contractual salary reviews, but may be 6% the basis, with the freedom to agree to increase or decrease this percentage and according to the economic capacity of the company.