



License to Absence from Work for Medical Care of the Children with Cancer

On June 4 of this year, the Decree whereby various provisions were added to the Social Insurance Law, Government Employees Social Services and Security Institute Law and the Federal Labor Law was published in the Federal Official Gazette.

The aforementioned decree provides for the possibility for insured working mothers or fathers, whose children up to sixteen years of age have been diagnosed by the Mexican Social Security Institute (hereinafter the “Institute”) with cancer of any kind, they may possess a license for medical care of the children to be absent from their work in case the diagnosed infant requires medical rest during the critical periods of treatment or hospitalization during the medical treatment, according to the prescription of the attending physician, including, as the case may be, treatment for pain relief and palliative care for advanced cancer.

The license will only be issued at the request of a party by the Institute to the insured worker’s father or mother and it will be valid for one and up to twenty-eight days. As many licenses as possible may be issued for a maximum period of three years without exceeding three hundred and sixty-four days of license, which shall not necessarily be continuous.

The parents will be entitled to a subsidy equivalent to sixty percent of the last daily contribution salary registered by the employer, proving that the father or mother has covered at least thirty weekly contributions in the twelve-month period prior to the date of diagnosis, or well have at least fifty-two weeks of immediate quotation prior to the start of the license.

Lastly, under no circumstances can a license be granted to both working parents of the minor diagnosed. In the same way, the referred licenses will cease 1) when the minor does not require the cares established above; 2) for the death of the minor; 3) if the minor turns sixteen; and 4) when the father or mother who possess the license is hired by a new employer.

License to Absence from Work for Medical Care of the Children with Cancer



On June 4 of this year, the Decree whereby various provisions were added to the Social Insurance Law, Government Employees Social Services and Security Institute Law and the Federal Labor Law was published in the Federal Official Gazette.

The aforementioned decree provides for the possibility for insured working mothers or fathers, whose children up to sixteen years of age have been diagnosed by the Mexican Social Security Institute (hereinafter the “Institute”) with cancer of any kind, they may possess a license for medical care of the children to be absent from their work in case the diagnosed infant requires medical rest during the critical periods of treatment or hospitalization during the medical treatment, according to the prescription of the attending physician, including, as the case may be, treatment for pain relief and palliative care for advanced cancer.

The license will only be issued at the request of a party by the Institute to the insured worker’s father or mother and it will be valid for one and up to twenty-eight days. As many licenses as possible may be issued for a maximum period of three years without exceeding three hundred and sixty-four days of license, which shall not necessarily be continuous.

The parents will be entitled to a subsidy equivalent to sixty percent of the last daily contribution salary registered by the employer, proving that the father or mother has covered at least thirty weekly contributions in the twelve-month period prior to the date of diagnosis, or well have at least fifty-two weeks of immediate quotation prior to the start of the license.

Lastly, under no circumstances can a license be granted to both working parents of the minor diagnosed. In the same way, the referred licenses will cease 1) when the minor does not require the cares established above; 2) for the death of the minor; 3) if the minor turns sixteen; and 4) when the father or mother who possess the license is hired by a new employer.