
Young People Building The Future Program
On January 10, 2019, the guidelines for the operation of the program Young People Building the Future, in Spanish Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, hereinafter the “Program”, were published in the Federal Official Gazette.
The main objective of the Program is to train young people between 18 and 29 who are not working or studying. These young people, voluntarily enrolled, will have
access to training in a job of their choice, which they will do in the Work Centers, also voluntarily enrolled in the Program.
Likewise, the Program will have a maximum duration of twelve months, in which young people will receive financial support from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of $ 3,600.00 pesos per month as well as medical insurance granted by the Mexican Social Security Institute.
It is important to note that, according to the guidelines, between the intern and the Work Center there will be no employment relationship, that is, the intern cannot be considered a worker and that the Work Center can terminate the relationship when one of the causes foreseen in the guidelines of the Program occurs. This will be a questionable subject because it is not in strict adherence to the concept of labor relation according to the law and the jurisprudence.
Once the training is completed, the Work Center will issue the corresponding Certificate of Training, which will be validated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.
Attached hereto please find the decree published in the Federal Official Gazette.

Young People Building The Future Program
On January 10, 2019, the guidelines for the operation of the program Young People Building the Future, in Spanish Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro, hereinafter the “Program”, were published in the Federal Official Gazette.
The main objective of the Program is to train young people between 18 and 29 who are not working or studying. These young people, voluntarily enrolled, will have
access to training in a job of their choice, which they will do in the Work Centers, also voluntarily enrolled in the Program.
Likewise, the Program will have a maximum duration of twelve months, in which young people will receive financial support from the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of $ 3,600.00 pesos per month as well as medical insurance granted by the Mexican Social Security Institute.
It is important to note that, according to the guidelines, between the intern and the Work Center there will be no employment relationship, that is, the intern cannot be considered a worker and that the Work Center can terminate the relationship when one of the causes foreseen in the guidelines of the Program occurs. This will be a questionable subject because it is not in strict adherence to the concept of labor relation according to the law and the jurisprudence.
Once the training is completed, the Work Center will issue the corresponding Certificate of Training, which will be validated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare.
Attached hereto please find the decree published in the Federal Official Gazette.